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HUNTSVILLE, Ala. – Most political talk theses days seems to be about the goings on in Washington, but there is plenty to talk about right here in Alabama.

In this week’s Leadership Perspectives interview, we asked WHNT News 19 Political Analyst, Jess Brown what he considers the biggest story right now.

“The biggest at least question in my mind is ‘will Kay Ivey run for governor?’ That will potentially  long-term  affect more Alabamians in more ways than the election for US Senate. So in terms of electoral politics, it’s whether she will run for governor or not.”

Gov. Ivey’s potential bid for re-election isn’t the only political race. The field is getting crowded in the run for the Senate, as 18 candidates have put their names into the ring.

Find out what Jess Brown thinks of the candidates and more, watch the full interview here: