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The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report men are half as likely as women to see a doctor for routine, preventative health care. These checkups can help prevent illness and save lives.

What can a man expect from his doctor at a “checkup”?

David is 48 years old, 6-foot-2, and 210 pounds. He eats healthy, but admits to having “a sweet tooth.” He exercises regularly, never smoked, and drinks alcohol rarely. He has not seen a doctor in years. His mother had diabetes before dying from heart disease. His father recently died from kidney failure. Although he feels well, the death of his father convinced David to go in for a “checkup,” where he asks to be “checked for everything.”

“Check for everything” is a common request when patients go to the doctor, but is not as complicated as people think. Tests are chosen to look for the most common and serious health problems that can be treated or prevented if caught early. David’s doctor is likely to refer to guidelines from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF). This panel of medical experts in prevention advises all doctors in ways to help prevent, screen and treat early signs of common, serious diseases. Their guidelines look at age, gender, and other risk factors. They help doctors customize care for each patient.

The doctor will ask about the family health history of David and his family, including questions about allergies, immunizations, medications, physical activity, sex, tobacco use, alcohol use, and the use of other drugs. He will also be screened for depression. His weight and height will be noted and, using something called a “Body Mass Index (BMI)” calculator, the doctor will find that David’s BMI is 27. This indicates David is “overweight.” Healthy BMI range is 18.5-24.9, overweight is 25-29.9, and obesity is 30 and greater. David’s blood pressure and pulse will be checked. The doctor may listen to David’s heart and lungs and may check his skin and abdomen.

Because David is over 45 (and also because his BMI is >25), the guidelines recommend blood sugar level testing for diabetes and pre-diabetes. If his blood pressure is high, the doctor might also order a blood test to check the health of David’s kidneys.

The USPSTF guidelines also recommend cholesterol levels starting at age 40 and then every few years, based upon risk factors for heart disease. HIV testing is recommended for all adults at least once, and as indicated by risk factors. Based upon David’s answers to other questions, tests for hepatitis B and C and other diseases may be ordered. Immunizations may be ordered, including an annual flu shot.

David asks if he needs to be checked for colon, lung, and prostate cancer. Screening for colon cancer begins at age 50. David also does not need screening for lung cancer, because he was never a smoker. If he had smoked, the guidelines suggest screening every year after age 55 until age 80. Routine screening for prostate cancer is not currently recommended.

David’s test results may require more tests or starting some medications, but he has completed his routine adult “check-up.”

That’s it!

This June, please consider talking to the men in your life about their health. Make them aware of the benefits and need for routine health checkups before they develop symptoms or get sick. Encourage them to schedule a checkup today. You can learn more about Men’s Health at

Mark Netherda, is Regional Medical Director of Partnership HealthPlan of CA, a partner of Solano Coalition for Better Health.