Re: “The administration bets we’ll stop caring about migrant kids”:

Yes, it is hard to maintain the level of rage we saw when the first news came out about children being ripped from their parents’ arms. We are daily bombarded with headlines that truly scare us and roil our sense of humanity. And yet we are so privileged to be able to read this over coffee and shake our collective heads, “Oh, dear, this is so horrible. Those poor families, rotting in detention camps, while our tax dollars enrich the contractors who run them. Oh, dear.”

I partly blame those members of Congress who are not witnessing inside these camps and for not taking action immediately. Are these children to be buried by our privileged battle over semantics? Or political strategies? Or endless poll gazing?

Articles and images focusing on these horrific camp conditions should be on every front page and every news channel as often as necessary to bring public awareness to the realities of the cruel actions and lies of this administration.

Elyse Cregar, Poulsbo