Trinidad filled with gang members but no prosecutions

(Trinidad Guardian) More than a year af­ter the An­ti Gang Act 2018 was pro­claimed in­to law, not a sin­gle gang­ster has been con­vict­ed al­though po­lice have charged sev­er­al peo­ple.

It was a prob­lem laid bare by Com­mis­sion­er of Po­lice Gary Grif­fith when he re­vealed just two weeks ago that “over 50 shoot­ers, linked to var­i­ous gangs” are re­spon­si­ble for the “sig­nif­i­cant num­ber of homi­cides, via gang ac­tiv­i­ty.”

With the homi­cide count al­ready climb­ing past the 260-mark for the year, most­ly due to an up­surge in gang-re­lat­ed killings, for­mer Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty Min­is­ter Carl Al­fon­so said some­one had to rise to the task.

“Some­body has to bell the cat and that some­body has to be the Min­is­ter of Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Com­mis­sion­er of Po­lice and the At­tor­ney Gen­er­al to get this thing sort­ed out,” he said. “It is not an easy task but it has to be done.”

Dau­rius Figueira

Na­tion­al se­cu­ri­ty stake­hold­ers have laid the blame square­ly on the shoul­ders of law en­force­ment agen­cies who they say are stum­bling block to the leg­is­la­tion’s suc­cess. Politi­cians, in their opin­ion, have been cleared as de­ter­rents to the leg­is­la­tion’s ef­fec­tive­ness.

Crim­i­nol­o­gist Dau­rius Figueira said: “The leg­is­la­tion can go no fur­ther. If it is to go any fur­ther, it has to strip us of all our civ­il rights.”

The most re­cent gang killing, ac­cord­ing to in­ves­ti­ga­tors, oc­curred at Main­got Road, Tu­na­puna, one week ago when 32-year-old Kevin Fi­garo was shot dead in his bed at his First Trace home. His mur­der fol­lowed that of 34-year-old Chir­von Brown who was shot and killed one week be­fore.

De­scrib­ing the cur­rent leg­is­la­tion as “very very very harsh,” Figueira added: “The prob­lem is en­force­ment and a crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem which is in cri­sis.”

That view was shared by Head of the Crim­i­nol­o­gy Unit, UW, Dr Randy Seep­er­sad.

“What we some­times have here in Trinidad and To­ba­go is knee-jerk re­ac­tions where we have a law that al­lows us to do cer­tain things and we may have prob­a­ble cause for some breach of the law, and then we ar­rest some­body with­out think­ing down the road about how we are go­ing to trans­late this ar­rest in­to a con­vic­tion and this is where the law falls short,” he said.

“The law al­lows us to do cer­tain things, but with­out oth­er things that could bring the law to fruition it is just go­ing to fall short and we would not get the ben­e­fits of the law. With­out that, those laws would not re­al­ly mat­ter or make a dif­fer­ence.”

Po­lice Com­mis­sion­er Gary Grif­fith dis­agreed.

“The An­ti Gang leg­is­la­tion is prov­ing to be very ef­fec­tive in terms of pro­vid­ing a de­ter­rent to gangs,” he claimed.

How­ev­er, Figueira ar­gued: “The prob­lem is not the leg­is­la­tion but the way you go about build­ing the case.”

Cer­tain type of polic­ing need­ed

Re­fer­ring to gang ac­tiv­i­ty as or­gan­ised crime Figueira point­ed out: “The on­ly way you are go­ing to have suc­cess­ful cas­es is to have a spe­cif­ic type of polic­ing method­ol­o­gy.”

“You have to first pen­e­trate the gang. You have to have peo­ple will­ing to tes­ti­fy. You have to en­sure the safe­ty of wit­ness­es and the cas­es have to be fin­ished quick­ly. You can­not drag it out for years. It is a prob­lem of polic­ing and a prob­lem in re­spect of a crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem that has acute con­sti­pa­tion.”

Grif­fith coun­tered: “Imag­ine if you did not have such an Act. It means that a gang mem­ber can ac­tu­al­ly put out a full-page ad­ver­tise­ment invit­ing peo­ple to be­come gang mem­bers.”

He de­clared that this par­tic­u­lar leg­is­la­tion is not as straight-for­ward when it comes to la­belling some­one a gang mem­ber—as op­posed to when some­one is held with an il­le­gal weapon.

“It is a lot of ev­i­dence that has to be ac­cu­mu­lat­ed to en­sure the case is air-tight and that is not some­thing that is done overnight,” Grif­fith said

He added that with­out an­ti-gang leg­is­la­tion “gang mem­bers could have gone on the streets. They could have as­sem­bled. They could have been in spe­cif­ic lo­ca­tions. They could have been do­ing mas­sive re­cruit­ment.”

In polic­ing gangs and their mem­bers, Figueira said, time and re­sources must be de­vot­ed to the ef­fort.

“You have to dis­man­tle the op­er­a­tions of the clique by in­car­cer­at­ing the lead­er­ship. This is not a quick fix or an overnight thing. This is a lot of hard work and you have to in­fil­trate the gangs. At the lead­er­ship lev­el, the busi­ness of the play­ers is not in the streets. Every­body feels that the lit­tle young ones walk­ing around with the Glock in their waist are lead­ers but that is not the lead­er­ship as the lead­ers are very skilled at mask­ing their ac­tiv­i­ty,” he said.

Figueira raised a new con­cern: “Many peo­ple don’t un­der­stand there are play­ers in Trinidad and To­ba­go that are transna­tion­al so they don’t stick in a lit­tle place and hide there all day. Peo­ple feel that gang­land is these lit­tle shoot­ers that every­one sees on the road but that is not gang­land. Gang­land is de­fined by the play­ers and if you don’t un­der­stand how they op­er­ate, you could nev­er ar­rest gang­land.”

He was crit­i­cal of T&T’s crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem, say­ing: “We are not build­ing cas­es that stand scruti­ny in the courts of law.”

Figueira ex­plained: “Wit­ness­es are un­der as­sault as the max­im of death to in­former must be en­forced, hence the at­tacks on wit­ness­es.

The pas­sage of a case through the courts is way too slow which fa­cil­i­tates the as­saults on wit­ness­es.

“The prison sys­tem at present is not de­signed to grap­ple with a re­mand yard filled with mem­bers of gang­land await­ing tri­al for lengthy pe­ri­ods of time, which en­ables gang­land to launch re­peat­ed as­saults on the re­mand yard in or­der to con­trol it. Gang­land is now in con­trol of re­mand and they are run­ning their en­ter­pris­es from the re­mand yard.”

He said the is­sue was not the leg­is­la­tion but the knowl­edge base that in­formed the man­ner in which the po­lice went about build­ing cas­es.

“Not a sin­gle play­er of gang­land Trinidad and To­ba­go, from the decade of the 1990s to the present, was ever in­car­cer­at­ed for gang ac­tiv­i­ties,” he said. “Not a sin­gle gang from this pe­ri­od to the present was ever dis­man­tled.

“The re­al­i­ty is that the in­sti­tu­tions of the crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem need to be rapid­ly re­formed and up­grad­ed to grap­ple with the 21st-cen­tu­ry re­al­i­ty on the ground, as they are at present con­sti­tut­ed to face 1960’s re­al­i­ty. This in­sti­tu­tion­al in­er­tia must now end to en­sure peace and se­cu­ri­ty for the cit­i­zens of Trinidad and To­ba­go in the 21st cen­tu­ry.”