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Milt Priggee, Oak Harbor, Wash.
Milt Priggee, Oak Harbor, Wash.

How are deportations a problem now and not under Obama?

I need some help here. There are daily protests against President Donald Trump and ICE concerning “separation of families,” keeping people who are here illegally in “cages,” building a wall, deporting criminals and so on.

Where were these mass demonstrations when Barack Obama was president? He separated families, kept children in “cages” and deported somewhere around 5 million people (according to an analysis by the Migration Policy Institute). Why is this such a problem now and not then?

David Taylor, Castle Rock

Rebuking Trump

Re: “House votes to condemn Trump’s tweets in rebuke,” July 17 news story

Kudus to Reps. Brian Fitzpatrick (Pa.), Fred Upton (Mich.), Susan W. Brooks (Ind.) and Will Hurd (Texas) for demonstrating integrity and moral fortitude in standing with the Democrats in rebuking our Commander of Corruption and moral turpitude. They’re unlike our Sen. Cory Gardner, who greeted Trump’s repugnant language with a pusillanimous and naive golly gee, “I wouldn’t have sent those tweets.”

Like our vacuous and reprehensible president, Gardner is not fit to represent the citizens of Colorado. Gardner, who stands with Trump 90 percent of the time according to the blog, is married to money, power and career security, not giving a wit of evidence that he stands for anything save self-aggrandizement and the debauched psyche of Trump.

Bob Bonacci, Littleton

In the article by The Associated Press’ Alan Fram and Darlene Superville concerning the condemnation of President Trump’s tweets about the four representatives of color, the reporters offered an opinion that concluded the “rebuke was an embarrassing one for Trump.”

In what world is President Trump embarrassed by a rebuke that comes from a House Democratic majority that is so compromised by their own racist tendencies as to reveal themselves the hypocrites they are? Believe it: President Trump is not now nor has he been embarrassed by that dysfunctional group.

Bobby Vucasovich, Centennial

Soccer team’s White House invite

If the current resident of the White House had the same level of respect for the office as his predecessors, I’m sure the entire U.S. women’s national team would accept the invitation.

Fred Wedemeier, Lakewood

Hatch chile vs. Pueblo chile

Re: “Colorado, New Mexico governors exchange heated words,” July 11 news story

Wow. Governors facing off over the little green monsters some of us have a taste for, and with a huge bias to anything that gets rural Colorado a leg up, I pronounce yes the Pueblo chile es mas bueno. But anyone who has tasted a Palisade peach or a Rocky Ford melon knows Colorado turns out some pretty fantastic crops under very difficult conditions. Go, farmers.

Richard Opler, Parker

Oh, no! The sky is … nevermind

Re: “For about an hour, the world went hashtag- less,” July 12 business story

Oh, gosh! Twitter crashed for a whole hour last Thursday. That meant millions of people were left to their own thoughts. In this age of hyperconnected isolation, it’s Twitter that keeps reminding everyone who uses it that nobody really gives a hoot about anyone or anything that isn’t them.

There are so many people wandering through the electronic wilderness with a smartphone in front of their faces hoping for a massive image makeover. Oops. Don’t trip over that homeless veteran while you’re texting about your latest shopping experience.

Vernon Turner, Denver

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