Sample newspaper article



日本代表作品は、映画監督や脚本家、映画評論家ら7人の選考委員が、申請のあった13作品から選出した。 (KYODO)

Words and phrases

第92回 (だいきゅうじゅうにかい) 92nd

米 (べい) United States

アカデミー賞(しょう) Academy Awards

国際長編映画賞 (こくさいちょうへんえいがしょう) best international feature film award

旧 (きゅう) formerly

外国語映画賞 (がいこくごえいがしょう) best foreign language film award

部門 (ぶもん) category

日本 (にほん) Japan

代表 (だいひょう) representative

新海誠 (しんかいまこと) Makoto Shinkai

監督 (かんとく) director

アニメーション animation

作品 (さくひん) work

「天気の子」 (てんきのこ) "Weathering With You"

決(き)める to decide

日本映画製作者連盟 (にほんえいがせいしゃくしゃれんめい) Motion Picture Producers Association of Japan

26日 (にじゅうろくにち) the 26th

発表(はっぴょう)する to announce

今後 (こんご) from now

世界各国 (せかいかっこく)の from countries around the world

代表作品 (だいひょうさくひん) representative work

候補作 (こうほさく) entry

絞(しぼ)る to narrow down

来年 (らいねん) next year

2月 (にがつ) February

受賞作 (じゅしょうさく) winner

選出(せんしゅつ)する to select

1998年 (せんきゅうひゃくきゅうじゅうはちねん) the year 1998

宮崎駿 (みやざきはやお) Hayao Miyazaki

「もののけ姫」 (もののけひめ) "Princess Mononoke"

以来 (いらい) first since

「千と千尋の神隠し」 (せんとちひろのかみかくし) "Spirited Away"

前年 (ぜんねん) previous year

創設(そうせつ)する to create

長編アニメ賞部門 (ちょうへんあにめしょうぶもん) best animated feature film category

出品(しゅっぴん)する to submit

脚本家 (きゃくほんか) scriptwriter

評論家 (ひょうろんか) film critic

7人 (ななにん) seven people

選考委員 (せんこういいん) screening committee member

申請 (しんせい) application/ submission

Quick questions

1) 前回、アカデミー賞国際長編映画賞(旧外国語映画賞)部門の日本代表にアニメが選出されたのはいつですか。

2) 受賞作が決まるのはいつですか。

3) 日本から作品の申請はいくつありましたか。


The Motion Picture Producers Association of Japan announced on the 26th that the animated film "Weathering With You," directed by Makoto Shinkai, has been selected to represent Japan at the 92nd Academy Awards for best international feature film (formerly the best foreign language film award).

From now, representative works from countries around the world will be narrowed down to form a shortlist, and the winners will be decided in February of next year. It is the first time that an anime film has been selected as a Japanese pick (in the category) since "Princess Mononoke" by director Hayao Miyazaki at the 70th Academy Awards (1998). In 2003, Miyazaki's "Spirited Away" won an award for best animated feature film, a category created the year before.

Seven screening committee members, including film directors, scriptwriters and film critics, selected Japan's representative films from among 13 works submitted.


1) When was the last time an anime film was selected as a Japanese pick for the Academy Awards' best international feature film (formerly foreign language film award) category?


In 1998.

2) When will the winners be decided?


In February of next year.

3) How many works from Japan were submitted?


13 works.