• The Great India Bird Expedition is the second leg of ECG’s Save Endangered Endemic and Key Species trip. During the first leg, earlier this year (from January 12 to March 31) Mohammed Saleem, PA Azeez, Ravi Rishi and Thillai Makadhan covered the west, north, northeast, east and central regions.
  • They spotted, photographed and documented 665 bird species. Six of those species are critically endangered including the Baer's Pochard, Bengal Florican, Red-headed Vulture, White Rumped Vulture, Indian Vulture and Slender-billed Vulture
  • Environment Conservation Group has completed three expeditions across bio-diversity hotspots in India. They have covered over 60, 000 kms spreading the message on conservation and urging public participation in conservation. While the first expedition focussed on endangered mammals, the second one documented road kills of wild species, and the third ongoing one is about endangered birds.