A Few Basic Checks To Make To Get WordPress SEO Site Safe And Right

A Few Basic Checks To Make To Get WordPress SEO Site Safe And Right
A Few Basic Checks To Make To Get WordPress SEO Site Safe And Right. Image source: Supplied

Every SEO expert will always focus or recommend that you focus on safety and security to ensure WordPress SEO. Security and safety of your WordPress site will make your site more trustworthy and reliable to your users and the search engines as well. It is found through different researches that:

  • Every week around 20,000 websites are blacklisted by Google for malware and
  • Around 50,000 for phishing.

When any site is blacklisted, it will not show up in any search results at all. Therefore, this means that the safety and security of your WordPress site is a crucial aspect that will ensure good rankings in the search engine result pages.

If your site is not safe and secure all your hard work and time spent on SEO will be in vain if your site is not visited by any user, does not rank high on the search list and is compromised by a hacker.

The good news is that it does not take much of an effort or a tech genius to ensure a WordPress site is safe and secure. There are lots of tools available for this that comes with a step by step guide to ensure ultimate WordPress security.


Start using SSL or HTTPS for your site. A site that is secured by SSL and HTTPS will surely have a higher rank than those without it.

SSL or Secure Sockets Layer is an innovative technology that encrypts the connection between the user and the particular server they are using to get connected to. This encryption will add an extra layer of security to the WordPress site. When a WordPress site is secured with SSL, it will be indicated by a padlock sign located in the address bar of the browser.

  • This padlock ideally indicates the trustworthiness of the site to the users who feel secured and safe to visit it.
  • This type of security is essential especially if you are running any e-commerce online store with WordPress that requires the processing of sensitive payment information of different individuals.

In a few specific instances depending on which SEO you are using you can purchase an SSL certificate.

  • You can purchase your SSL certificate directly through your web hosting company.
  • On the other hand, you can also get free SSL certificates. There are several WordPress hosting companies that offer free and easy encrypt integrations.
  • Alternatively, you can also own a premium wildcard SSL certificate or simply a regular SSL certificate that comes with a security warranty.

Depending on the source from where you buy these SSL certificates, you may even have a minimum of $10,000 security warranty for up to $1.75 million security warranty. You may even get a site seal to display that will provide added credibility to your site.

Once you do, you will have to add the SSL and HTTPS in WordPress just as SEO experts would do.

SEO tools and resources

Following the WordPress SEO best practices, you will surely want to stay ahead of your competition by enhancing your skills even further. There are lots of WordPress tools, plugins and useful resources that will help you in this regard. This will help you to boost your SEO if you use these tools properly.

Most importantly, these tools will ensure that you keep up with and follow the advanced techniques followed by the Chicago SEO and take your SEO and site ranking to a higher level.

WordPress, out of the box, is a content management system that is pretty well-organized. Even the basic setup will provide you with a strong foundation. You will not need extensive customization, use of several plugins or much of theme optimization.

With that said, there are a few things that you should do in order to increase the chances:

  • Higher site ranking
  • More refined workflow and
  • A perfectly optimized website.

It is only when you have the basic settings in place you will be able to apply the right and simple techniques that will guarantee that you have a stout groundwork to build upon!

Check the status

Before you start to make any changes to your website, the first thing that you should do is determine your status and find out where you are now exactly. It will help you to get the things right if need be. There is a lot of things that you will gain when you get things right such as:

  • You will be able to run your site on a modern server
  • You will be then able to use updated software
  • You will be able to partner with a reliable web host that offers great performance.

Therefore, you should ask yourself a few questions such as:

  • What hardware and software your site is currently running?
  • What is your current and future hosting plan?
  • Whether you are or plan to use a budget shared hosting provider?
  • Whether or not you have a dedicated hosting plan and invested in a well-known web host?
  • Do you have the servers fine-tuned for use with your WordPress site?

The best way to ensure that you know all about the performance of your site is to install a Health Check plugin that will enable you to know what is going on behind the scenes of your WordPress site. In addition to that, this plugin will also provide you with loads of technical insights that will help you to get info to improve the performance and SEO of your site which even the outside parties can use.

Ideally, a Health Check plugin is incredibly helpful so much so that all the SEO experts that use WordPress is now more inclined to include this plugin in the core of the WordPress environment.

To sum up, you must know that it is all about better site design and proper Webhosting that will pay you rich dividends in the end. These basic checks and techniques will ensure that you and your site is moving in the right direction to achieve a high SEO and search engine ranking.

Author bio-

Andrew Russell is a Writer and Blogger for various Technical Issues like SEO. He specializes in devising digital marketing methods and strategies for companies and researching on how marketing methods can be made more enhanced.