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CINCINNATI — Happy birthday to Fiona, Cincinnati’s 1,200-pound toddler who turned three on Friday, WLWT reports.

Fiona became a national celebrity when she was born severely premature at the Cincinnati Zoo in 2017.

She only weighed 29 pounds, 25 pounds lower than the lowest recorded birth weight for her species, and one-fifth what a normal baby hippo should weigh.

Zookeepers documented her care, and she took the internet by storm with a continual stream of adorable videos.

She totally deserves that cake made of grapes, strawberries and bamboo leaves with a number three crafted from shredded beet pulp.

Fiona has plenty of pounds to go until reaches the average adult hippo weight of 3,000 pounds.

Most hippos get there by their fifth or sixth birthdays.

Zookeepers say Fiona’s sassy personality that captured so many hearts is only getting stronger.

She’s been challenging her mother more now that she’s entering adolescence.