Former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg was repeatedly hammered by his five rivals on a Las Vegas casino stage during Wednesday night’s Democratic presidential debate.

Former Vice President Joe Biden, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren and former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg are the survivors out of a couple dozen candidates who were in the nomination race at the start of last summer. After enduring round after round of televised debates, the five have all honed their skills and it showed in Wednesday’s political slugfest. By contrast, Bloomberg came into the ring looking like a fighter who missed training camp.

Bloomberg chose to skip the early primaries and caucuses and, instead, is betting his vast mountain of chips on hitting a jackpot on Super Tuesday when a fourth of the convention delegates will be up for grabs. He has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on television ads and that paid off with a sharp rise in his polling numbers that secured him a place on the debate stage.

After this rough-and-tumble debate, though, the question is whether the good effect of all those expensive ads has been negated by Bloomberg’s bad night in Vegas.

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