Letters and feedback: July 7, 2020

Florida Today

A good choice for school board

Our school boards are failing us. Florida ranks 45th in the nation in per-pupil spending. Brevard County ranks 30th in the state for average teacher salary, far below the state average. This is shameful, especially here on the Space Coast, where we should have a stellar national reputation. We should be leading ahead, not falling behind.

We expect better, our children deserve better, and that’s why we need Jennifer Jenkins on the school board, District 3. Jenkins has the vision, experience, and energy necessary for improving and strengthening our schools. She's an experienced educator, unlike her opponent, and has seen how deteriorating workplace conditions have led to a perpetual hiring crisis. Jenkins has a multi-year plan for closing resource gaps, reducing turnover, and attracting talent. Moreover, she listens to parents and understands what our students need to compete in the global market.

Our schools must regain economic vitality and reclaim excellence. We need Jennifer Jenkins on the school board. With her leadership, dedication and vision we can improve education on the Space Coast and raise our standing in the state and in the nation.

Carla Norton, Satellte Beach

We came, we saw, we left

Recently my wife and I traveled over to Melbourne Square Mall to take a walk in an indoor, air-conditioned area. To our surprise (not really), a majority of the people were not wearing masks or practicing social distancing. Many young people were traveling in groups, with total disregard for the warnings that have been addressed publicly.

When you look at bars being closed, there is not much difference between the bars and what we saw at the mall.

P.S. We did not stay; we turned around and left.

William Pidgeon, Palm Bay

Look after yourself: Leaders don't care

To paraphrase Shakespeare. “To have quarantined or to have not quarantined, that is my question.”

Florida has recorded more than 50,000 positive cases of COVID-19 in the past week.  Brevard County has also seen its cases skyrocket. 

I believe FLORIDA TODAY reported that two Melbourne firemen tested positive for COVID-19 and a total of 18 personnel are now in quarantine — a ratio of 1 to 9. This number could also rise depending on other factors.

I would like to take a ratio of one in five on the 50,000 Florida cases. If these positive people have come in contact with five people the total number of cases would then rise to 250,000 in just two weeks. Next, if only half of these or 125,000 infect just three other people, the total would rise another 375,000 by the early August. Add these up and you will find a total of 675,000 positive cases. Remember, I am not using the 9-to-1 ratio of the Melbourne firemen. In that scenario the positive cases would rise to over 3,000,000 — yes, 3 million, or 14% of Florida’s population.

I am not an optimist, nor am I a pessimist. I consider myself a realist. I look at what is taking place and I make a judgment accordingly.

My thinking has brought me to the conclusion that our situation is much more dire than our president or governor are spinning. How did I come to this?  It brings me back to my opening paraphrase of Shakespeare. Do you actually believe that all of these 50,000 fine citizens are self-quarantining?

My advice: Look after yourself. Your leaders do not care one iota about you.

Michael Palmer, Cocoa Beach

It's time for 'No mask, no admittance'

During visits to area businesses I continue to see people without masks. It is apparent that our political leaders do not have the courage to take the steps necessary to protect Floridians.

It's time for company managers and owners to take the initiative for their employees. Employees all wear masks to protect your customers. They have a right to expect customers to wear masks to protect them.

In the past you have put notices on the front doors: No shoes, no service; no shirt. no service. Now is the time for another notice: No mask, no admittance. You owe it to your employees who are essential workers. You operate on private property. If someone refuses to comply and forces entry, call the police and have them arrested for trespass.

Do it. You may save some lives.

Pete Beeble, Melbourne

Masks are not a government plot

Hey, Floridians! Do you want to see baseball, football, basketball, hockey, soccer, tennis, car races? Wear the dang mask.

Where are your favorite athletes and coaches (college/pro)? Why aren't they speaking out, telling the fans to wear the dang mask?

More and more athletes are testing positive, but I've yet to hear any of them advise people to wear masks, even though it slows down transmission of the virus. I did hear Tom Hanks and Jennifer Aniston say to wear them. Where's the rest of Hollywood?

If you think wearing the mask is government interference, then stop wearing your seat belt in the car or stop putting your child in a safety seat in the car. If you think a mask interferes with your breathing, tell your surgical staff not to wear one when they operate on you or wash their hands or wear gloves.

If, for one, very much want to see live football (college and pro) on television, as well as tennis matches, horse races, etc. But the people in those sports have to remain healthy.  If that means the government mandates masks, so be it. Spectators can just stay home if they refuse to follow guidelines. Wearing a mask is not a government conspiracy to deprive you of your rights.  We live in a republic, which means rule by majority. 

Lynne Hill, Cocoa

A crowd of more than 50 protesters gathers outside of the Westcott Building to demand that the statue of Francis Eppes be removed from the campus of Florida State University on Saturday, July 4, 2020.

Statues can share needed history

At a time when tearing down statues has become something of a social occasion, perhaps it is worth considering the stories they tell us. Every statue, whether it commemorates a person or an event, is a link to something of the past, some person’s actions or an event’s occurrence. These are all history and, for better or worse, cannot be made to disappear. The history they represent cannot be erased but it can be an opportunity to learn from past triumphs or mistakes.

The person immortalized in bronze may have been a hero or a scoundrel. If the first, his character can be emulated; if the second, it can be avoided. It has been said that if we do not learn from history, we will be condemned to repeat it.  If we will make the effort to learn from what each of these statues portray, we may be able to avoid some of the errors of the past and improve our present and future.  If we tear down and ignore those lessons, well … you know the rest.

Bruce Baker, Titusville

Removing statues won't change past

I'm writing this because of indignation over the tearing down and defacing of statues. It is utterly sickening — what's next, renaming southern states or kicking them out of the union? How about our presidents? Washington, Jefferson: Burn their houses down? The Library of Congress? Don't forget to burn all the books. Fire all the police. Have mob rule.

You may not like the past but removing it does not mean it's still not there. Where are our elected officials? Put some gumption into your spines and go after these lawbreakers. We law-abiding citizens are a bit sick and tired of mob rule and elected officials standing by and watching the mayhem.

Susanne Cook, Merritt Island

PC culture has 'crossed the line'

On July 3, it was reported that the Washington Redskins are reviewing their name and in addition, that the Black national anthem will be performed before every Week 1 kickoff, before "The Star-Spangled Banner."

As America, we have one national anthem, for all people, regardless of race, religion or color. In my opinion, this is not only a disgrace, but an insult to all especially those men and women who served and died for that anthem.

I am only one voice but I will boycott any company who sponsors any event where the national anthem is not played exclusively.

Political correctness has now crossed the line, and it is now time for the silent majority to stand up and say, "This is it — no more."

Robert Caldo, Indian Harbour Beach

Take another look at Constitution

Letter writer Ann Peterson doesn't think anyone should disrespect the flag. What does she think our Founding Fathers did when they declared independence?  They didn’t like the government they had, so they pledged their “Lives, Fortunes, and sacred Honor” to change it. Why does Ann think those subject to racial injustice and police brutality shouldn't have the same opportunity?  If Ann believes in the Constitution, she should believe in the rights of those with whom she disagrees.

Joy DeBusk has basically deemed 60 million citizens of this country racist hatemongers, while inferring everyone else is not. She should wonder what "her side" is doing/suggesting that would result in 60 million citizens voting for a "self-serving fascist." Further, I would point out the right to “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness” may be stated in the Declaration, a vision statement, but aren’t found in the Constitution, the structure and ultimate law in this land. It is not now, nor ever has been, the responsibility of government to ensure life to the furthest of nature, ensure liberty in the opinion of every individual, and/or ensure happiness to each and every human.  The government may not take life or liberty without due process, and the government is enacted for the purpose of providing an economic, legal, and social environment for all citizens to pursue happiness.

Regarding my opinion of why government is enacted: I opine that our government(s) are woefully inadequate, with an increasing rate of failure to the country.

Michael Marcontell, Merritt Island

Officers must be held accountable

As a young airman in the 1970s USAF I was stationed in Alabama fixing training aircraft. A group of us were sent to a class called Security Police Augmentee Training. This was to give us basic skills to assist the base security personnel in the event of civil unrest. The chances of us doing anything other than checking IDs at the base gate were slim.

The training entailed basic crowd control marching formations, but the one thing that has stood out the most to me was instruction on the use of deadly force. We were taught that security forces never employ deadly force unless your life or another life was in imminent danger. If a suspect was stealing a gumball machine and was running away you do not shoot them. If you can't catch them you don't shoot them.

This training seems to be lacking in police training today. The excuse that someone was resisting arrest does not give an officer permission to escalate to deadly force. If you are choking or smothering someone they are going to resist because their life depends upon it.

Police put their lives on the line every day but they must be held to a higher standard of conduct and be held responsible if that conduct harms a member of the community. The frontline officer needs all the help they can get to perform their difficult tasks, but they must be held accountable.

Eric Baker, Titusville
