If you grew up in the Spanish-speaking world in the last 50 years — and possibly even if you didn’t — you probably knew who Walter Mercado was. A strange amalgam of Liberace, Charo and Tony Robbins, Mercado was a genderfluid TV astrologer, who explained your sign and what your fortunes would be. And interestingly, it was virtually always upbeat, positive. Even in super-macho Latino culture, his becaped flamboyance was given a pass. He was an unlikely star. But a star he really was.

I was not one of those weaned on Mercado’s campy cheerfulness, but looking from the outside, you might think Mucho Mucho Amor: The Legend of Walter Mercado is a mockumentary, so improbable was Mercado’s worldwide popular success. But after watching this new actual documentary, out today on Netflix, you can begin to understand his influence. (The same week that the world has gone crazy with Lin-Manuel Miranda’s TV sensation of Hamilton, Miranda himself appears in this film, more gaga over meeting Mercado than his most devoted fanboys have ever been over meeting Miranda.)

Mercado’s life was tragic, in the way that only a naive soul outwardly focussed on his followers can be, but Mercado largely remains a mystery. Nevertheless, if you already knew of him, you’ll probably be excited to see what happened, and if he’s new to you (as he was to me), you’ll certainly be charmed. The film takes Mercado seriously, which I can imagine would be difficult to do because he can seem like such a caricature, but it overflows with affection and respect. “Do you believe in [astrology]?” one of the filmmakers asks a bartender. He pauses, “I believe in Walter.” And you will too.

 — Arnold Wayne Jones