Vietnam donates medical equipment to Sri Lanka

Vietnam donates medical equipment to Sri Lanka

August 15, 2020   11:57 am

The Government of Vietnam on Friday (14) donated medical supplies worth USD 30,000 (over Rs. 5 million) to Sri Lanka, in support of Sri Lanka’s fight against the COVID -19 pandemic, says the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam, Nguyen Quoc Dung made a symbolic handing over of the donation to Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Vietnam Prasanna Gamage at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam in Hanoi.

Deputy Minister Dung, while bestowing the donation, recalled the longstanding friendship between the two countries and the mutual assistance extended during times of both hardship and prosperity.

He further added that adversities such as the COVID-19 pandemic have compelled and necessitated the world to re-examine the importance of international cooperation.

Ambassador Gamage, while conveying the sincere appreciation and gratitude of the Government of Sri Lanka towards the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on its generous donation, sincerely reaffirmed the continuity of Sri Lanka’s cooperation with Vietnam.

He also commended the excellent record of Vietnam in combating COVID-19, as well as Vietnam’s generosity in donating medical supplies to numerous other countries in need.

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