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The flag-draped casket of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, carried by Supreme Court police officers, arrives Wednesday in the Great Hall at the Supreme Court in Washington.
ANDREW HARNIK/AFP/POOL/Getty Images North America/TNS
The flag-draped casket of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, carried by Supreme Court police officers, arrives Wednesday in the Great Hall at the Supreme Court in Washington.

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It took Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell to disrespect a dying woman’s last wishes. And I didn’t believe what Lindsey Graham said the first time he pledged to not fill a Supreme Court seat during an election year. Why am I not surprised at these people. Sadly, I never am.

JK, Tinley Park

Susan Collins and Murkowski pull the same stunt every time there’s something controversial. They stand there and say “well, we can’t go along with what Trump wants, that’s against our better judgment and it isn’t fair,” and then they jump right in and go along with what Trump wants. Susan Collins is the biggest phony in the Congress and Lisa Murkowski isn’t much better.

Ed, Homer Glen

David, you have apparently forgotten that President Obama’s nominee was submitted nearly 10 months before the election in 2016. The Republicans, who controlled the Senate, could have held hearings, as they were obligated to do, and then could have voted against him. They decided to create a “new” rule to not even have those confirmation hearings. Now they are twisting themselves into knots trying to explain that their “new” rule no longer applies to them when only days remain before the election. How do you spell hypocrisy? Mitch McConnell, that’s how.

Paul, Tinley Park

President Obama did hesitate to make a replacement nomination after Justice Scalia died in 2016. He waited for the 30-day mourning period to expire before he publicly announced his nomination. During that time he consulted extensively with conservative Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah and others to find out what potential nominees the Republicans in the Senate would support. The recommendation of Sen. Hatch was Justice Merrick Garland, the presiding judge of the District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals.

George, South Side

The Senate is ready to vote on RBG’s replacement. It’s amazing how quickly something can get done when it’s in their interest.

Mary, Tinley Park

Republicans question Black Americans’ voting preference for Democrats, and some insinuate that the Black community is “brainwashed or sheep-brained.” History shows that except for the Emancipation Proclamation and 14th Amendment enacted in the 1860s, Black Americans have only seen economic and civil rights gains during Democratic administrations. Now, Republicans have shown the ultimate disrespect to the Black community by denying America’s first African American president the constitutional right to fill a vacant Supreme Court justice seat saying voters should be allowed to make that decision during an election year, then reversing their position this year to help a white president, Donald Trump, fill the seat vacated by Justice Ginsburg’s passing.

D.T., Olympia Fields

Whether Republicans jam through another ultra conservative to the Supreme Court doesn’t bother me in the slightest. It also doesn’t bother me if Roe v. Wade is overturned because, if it is, abortions will continue and we all know it. But the blood will be on the hands of the Republicans, not the Democrats. When these abortions lead to complications, death and a lot more money having to be spent to take care of these people, not to mention these newborns.

Rick, Monee

It’s a shame that the Democrats have gone so far to the left. They feel that if things don’t go the way that they think they should, or if President Trump fills the Supreme Court justice seat, their answer is protest and tear the country up. What happened to law and order? The only way you’re going to get law and order is to vote Republican.

Shelly, Oak Lawn

Climate change is real but blaming climate change for the California fires that have been happening for hundreds of years or to blame climate change for the flooding in cities on the Gulf of Mexico that are built just above sea level and below sea level like New Orleans is just plain wrong.

CFR, Crestwood

It is being reported that Illinois is losing people to other states, which is true. But it means there is more room for the people who will most likely be migrating out of states on the West Coast and Gulf where climate change has made life almost unlivable. The Midwest will be a prime place to migrate to, as we have a good climate, fertile soil and the Chicago area is a hub to transportation and close to fresh water. Get ready for an influx of new residents.

D., Chicago

Jim Oberweiss claims to be a small government, conservative businessman yet is so desperate to get on the government payroll that he’ll run for any office and approves of hokey, cringeworthy racist campaign ads. Ironically he can’t even sell a product most households need, like milk, without government COVID bailout money. He’d do better to lower his prices so kids don’t starve.

Monty, Tinley Park

I agree with Patti from Blue Island that the country is in such turmoil and I’ve never seen such divisiness. What I will say is if you want to waste your vote by voting for Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse that is a huge mistake. And you’re going to vote by mail with all of the issues with voting by mail you’re going to waste that vote? You’re wasting it twice by mailing it in and by voting for Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse.

Maddie, Orland Park

To all the Trump supporters. I’m not sure what I thought was worse than DJT making fun of a handicapped person or putting down Gold Star parents. This time he said it was absolutely beautiful that a reporter got hit in the leg by some flying object. His followers were laughing and cheering, as was he.

Marge, Oak Forest