Americans defend healthcare workers after Trump says Docs get ‘like $2000 more’ if they say a patient died from COVID-19
Donald Trump (Screen Shot)

Healthcare workers are on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic President Donald Trump is making worse by his refusal to advocate for basic common sense behaviors to stop the spread and by holding rallies that pack supporters in close together, while few wear masks.

A recent study found in 82% of areas where Trump has held as rally recently coronavirus cases surged.

So it's especially offensive to Americans that doctors, nurses, technicians, and other healthcare workers putting their lives and their families' lives in the direct line of danger every day to save lives that President Donald Trump just told another lie about the deadly pandemic: blame doctors for the huge number of cases.

Trump literally just said doctors falsely attribute deaths to COVID-19 because they make thousands of dollars more if they do.

That's absolutely false.

"You know in Germany if you have a bad heart and you're ready to die, or if you have cancer and you're going to be dying soon, and you catch COVID, that happens, we mark it down to COVID. You know, our doctors get more money if somebody dies from COVID, you know that, right?" Trump asked the crowd, sharing the lie as his supporters cheer.

"So what they do they say, 'I'm sorry, but everyone dies of COVID,'" Trump continued lying. "But in Germany and other places, if you have a heart attack or if you have cancer, you're terminally ill, and you catch COVID then they say you died of cancer, you died of heart attack. With us, 'When in doubt, choose COVID.'"

"Now, they'll say, it's terrible what he said."

"It's like $2000 more, so you could only get more money. This could only happen to us."

Medical professionals, healthcare workers and experts, and people from all over in general are outraged.