Conservatives, this is no time to go wobbly

Trump-supporters can't miss the message: you guys are stupid idiots who fell in love with a con artist and can't accept the truth.  There was no fraud.  There were no impossible numbers and no vote dumps.   Instead, the mentally sharp, erudite, and honest Joe Biden, with the charming, quick-witted Kamala Harris at his side, swept into the White House with 80 million votes.  Ignore his missing coattails and his receiving more black votes than Obama in 2008, even though Trump increased his black support by 50% (and his Hispanic support, too).

That's brainwashing.  You need to #resist.

Conservatives are getting gaslighted all over.  On social media, with both sides having their own take on the election, only conservatives are told their data are false or disputed and then get de-platformed.  Funnily enough, despite the dispute being a two-way street, the messages and de-platforming bypass Democrats.

The same is true for media outlets.  Before the election, they censored stories about Tara Reade's claim that Biden sexually assaulted her; Joe Biden's corruption, which he funneled through his debauched, drug-addled son; and Trump's successful peace deals in the Middle East.  If they hadn't censored those stories, 17% of voters would have voted for Trump.

The media are back on censorship duty, hiding or "debunking" the mountains of evidence about election fraud in the battleground states (and probably in Virginia and California, too).  According to the media, the cemetery voters, fake ballots, ballot dumps, vote transfers, simultaneous counting "shutdowns," etc. never happened.  They're all in your imagination.  If they could, the media outlets would add, "You're getting very sleepy, and when you wake up, you won't remember ever supporting Trump or opposing Biden."

And there are the NeverTrumps, who are even more disreputable, hypocritical, and intellectually corrupt than the Democrats themselves.  After all, at least the leftists are honest about what they stand for.

For years, the NeverTrumps got votes or made money from conservatives who believed these fakers when they babbled on about conservative first principles: the Constitution, small government, lower taxes, a foreign policy that puts America first not last, secure borders, etc.

The moment Trump entered office and embarked up four years dedicated to the Constitution, small government, lower taxes, etc., these brigands turned on him because of his mean tweets.  They never cared about conservatism.  Instead, they'd found a niche where they could get our money and votes while still going to all the right cocktail parties.

Today, the sordid, craven, and disgraceful National Review wrote an editorial lambasting Trump for fighting the massive fraud that characterized this election.  We know, though, that Trump was not the only victim.  So were all of us and the American election system.

Col. Kurt Schlichter understands what these dishonest and dangerous people are doing: they are trying to make you surrender, and he exhorts that we can't let them do that:

Freedom, justice, and liberty aren't easy to win. If they were, everyone would have them. When the going gets tough, the tough don't act like a bunch of millennial college students sobbing over microaggressions – and when you find, to your horror as I just did, that Word recognizes and autocorrects "microaggressions," you don't take that as a sign of cultural defeat and just give up and put in your application for cultural serfdom.

Die on your feet before you live on your knees.

Exactly.  I fight with my words because that's my special skill.  What's yours?  Protesting on the street?  Reminding your Georgia friends to vote?  Writing checks?  Supporting those on the front line in whatever way you can?  Do it!  Go with your strengths.

I'll end by quoting part of an email that Glenn Reynolds received from a friend about what to do if the worst happens (read the whole thing here):

Freedom, justice, and liberty aren’t easy to win. If they were, everyone would have them. When the going gets tough, the tough don’t act like a bunch of millennial college students sobbing over microaggressions – and when you find, to your horror as I just did, that Word recognizes and autocorrects “microaggressions,” you don’t take that as a sign of cultural defeat and just give up and put in your application for cultural serfdom.

Die on your feet before you live on your knees.

Exactly. I fight with my words because that’s my special skill. What’s yours? Protesting on the street? Reminding your Georgia friends to vote? Writing checks? Supporting those on the front line in whatever way you can? Do it! Go with your strengths.

I’ll end by quoting part of an email that Glenn Reynolds received from a friend about what to do if the worst happens (read the whole thing here):

Great to see this #Resist repurposed.


[T]he only rational rational response for Trump supporters, after the last four years is to respond to Biden exactly as Trump was treated:


First, no one who voted for or supports Trump will recognized Biden as legitimate. Second, everyone who voted for Trump will believe and continue to proclaim that the election was stolen, in this case with far more factual basis. Third, Biden will not be given any deference or respect due to his office, but will be given only contempt and profane disrespect. Fourth, there will be no prospect of cooperation but only opposition, in every lawful way, to everything he says, does, or proposes, all day, every day, until he is gone.

At some future date reconciliation may be possible. But not until the last four years has been repaid in full.

And the foregoing is on the presumption that Biden will be sworn in as President, which he should not be, and which may not happen.

Image: The Spirit of 1776 by Archibald MacNeal Willard. Public Domain.

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