IDEX: Israel’s Aeronautics makes IDEX debut

Israel-based Aeronautics Group, a provider of integrated turnkey solutions based on unmanned systems platforms, payloads and communications for defence and HLS markets, presented its Orbiter 4 STUAS and Orbiter 1K Loitering Munition UAS during its historic inaugural appearance at IDEX in Abu Dhabi, UAE.
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The Orbiter 4 STUAS is an advanced tactical UAS, multi-mission platform with versatile payloads, optional BLOS operation and extraordinary endurance for all weather conditions. Built on the successful system design of the Orbiter 3 STUAS, with its advanced avionics, communications, ground control features and applications, Orbiter 4 retains the legacy capabilities of the combat-proven Orbiter UAS family and is suitable for both land and maritime operations. The system can simultaneously carry multiple payloads, extending its ISTAR capabilities. Easy to use, with a low logistical footprint and a small crew, the runway-free Orbiter 4 STUAS aircraft suits all operational needs.

"We are delighted and proud to participate in and present at this important exhibition for the first time,” said Matan Perry, vice president, marketing & sales, Aeronautics. “The recently signed peace agreement with the Emirates opens up many avenues for regional cooperation, and our company sees this as an opportunity to strengthen relations and business collaborations with other countries in the Gulf region.”


 Orbiter 1K Loitering Munition UAS had its debut in Abu Dhabi. Image: Aeronautics