Join the Purdue MN team in a free one-hour overview of how microelectronics has touched every aspect of our lives

UNDATED – In today’s modern world, microelectronics has touched every aspect of our lives. None of us can imagine or live in a world without personal computers, smartphones, and probably very soon autonomous cars.

To continue its expansion and go beyond traditional semiconductor technologies, hardware researchers and technologists must know how transistors, memories, sensors, and actuators work.

They must also understand how these devices are integrated and packaged, how their proximity redefines design, and how their reliability and security are ensured.

Different from the past, today, there is also the need for these researchers to understand the field of algorithms, data science, networks, and machine learning that give cyber-physical systems their power.

The Microelectronics and Nanotechnology (MN) area is one of the seven areas in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Purdue University West Lafayette campus.

The MN area consists of twenty-plus faculty members with active research and instructional programs in Nanoelectronics and Nanomaterials, Spintronics and Quantum Technologies, Probabilistic Computing, Energy Conversion, Micro and Nanoelectromechanical Systems (MEMS/NEMS), and Computational Nanotechnology. Experimental programs are located primarily in a state-of-the-art facility, the Birck Nanotechnology Center.

Purdue is also the home of the NSF-sponsored Network for Computational Nanotechnology (NCN) that created the science gateway with nearly 100,000 users worldwide.

During the webinar, ten Purdue ECE faculty from the MN area will give high-level overviews of their individual groups’ research and visions for a New Era Electronics.

Speak Bios:

View the full list of speaker bio’s HERE.

Defense in Indiana Webinar Series

The Defense Industry has been given the opportunity to provide presentations to startups, small businesses, academia and government audiences to showcase the critical technologies that are currently at the forefront of their mission to support the warfighter.

View additional webinars HERE.

Register to Attend Here.