The seas off the West Gujarat coast have witnessed inconsequential cyclone ‘Shaheen’ that materialised on Friday morning from a remnant deep depression from erstwhile Bay of Bengal cyclone 'Gulab.'

'Shaheen' was located 400 km West-Northwest of Devbhoomi Dwarka (Gujarat); 260 km South-Southwest of Karachi (Pakistan); and 530 km East-Southeast of Chabahar Port (Iran).

Severe cyclone likely

India Meteorological Department (IMD) said that ‘Shaheen’ may further intensify into a severe cyclone by Saturday and re-curve to the West-Southwest skirting the Makran (Pakistan) coast, and track instead towards the Oman coast across the Gulf of Oman before weakening gradually.

The cyclone may be moving away, but the IMD has advised fishermen against venturing into the North and adjoining Central Arabian Sea along and off Pakistan-Makran coasts and Gulf of Oman till Monday. They may also stay off and from along the North Gujarat coast until Friday evening.

Monsoon 'tail' lashes East

Meanwhile, the tail of the southwest monsoon that ended its tenure on Thursday lashed East India in the form of a well-marked low-pressure area over Southwest Bihar and its neighbourhood on Friday. The trough in easterlies from Southeast Bay of Bengal to South Andhra Pradesh coast too persisted.

Model predictions (IMD projections included) also suggest a potent cyclonic circulation or a low-pressure area forming over the Southwest Bay soon and approaching the Tamil Nadu coast, crossing into Kerala and then dropping anchor in the Southeast Arabian Sea for a few days.

Wet spell for South Peninsula

The IMD has forecast isolated heavy to very heavy falls over Bihar and the hills of West Bengal and Sikkim on Friday and Saturday and extremely heavy rainfalls (20 cm or above during 24 hours) at isolated places over Bihar on Friday.

Rainfall activity may increase over the South Peninsular India from today with heavy rainfalls over Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Coastal and South Interior Karnataka until Monday as the Southwest Bay suddenly erupts into life. Isolated very heavy falls are likely over Tamil Nadu from Saturday.

Rain for Northwest India

An extended outlook from October 6-8 forecast fairly widespread to widespread rainfall over East, Central and South Peninsular India and the islands as well as along the West Coast and Northeast India.

It will be isolated to scattered over remaining parts of West and Northwest India excluding some parts where the monsoon withdrawal process may bring in dry weather during this period.