GRAND JUCNTION, Colo. (KREX) – From a frost scare in Brazil to disruptions in the supply chain, the issue of coffee price hikes in the U.S brews from a lack of product getting into America’s ports and warehouses. It’s not just coffee bean prices impacting your cup of joe, Copeka Coffee says it is on a waiting list for plastic cups.

A co-owner of the coffee shop says she loves a challenge and understands the increased costs helps the providers deliver quality goods.

“The coffee farmers can’t even afford to exist with what they’re being paid and we shouldn’t be doing that,” Copeka Coffee Co-Owner Jana Joramo asserts, “If you really want coffee to continue, you have to pay people properly. The things that are happening there really do affect us.

Despite these challenges, local coffee shops are still on the grind but we could see prices for the drink continue to rise.

“Importing coffee beans from Brazil to the States costs a roughly a dollar more per pound,” Cora Dickey reports, “With that adding up to 5 cents more for every coffee cup made, coffee shop owners recommend the upcharge is worth it for a quality drink.”

Any trickle in the supply chain impacts roasters. Drink prices at The Coffee Trader’s fluctuate with what’s happening in the industry. No matter how often the cost changes, coffee shop owners want customers to understand that quality is priority.

“Quality and price go hand in hand,” Coffee Industry Aficionado John Gozbekian expresses, “Don’t be afraid to pay a little bit more it helps the farmers in Brazil and all around the world.”