Shell to develop 10-MW green H2 pilot project on Brazilian port

Shell to develop 10-MW green H2 pilot project on Brazilian port Source: Shell

Oil and gas major Royal Dutch Shell Plc (AMS:RDSA) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Brazilian private port Porto do Acu to develop a 10-MW pilot plant for the production of green hydrogen.

Shell Brasil said on Thursday that the funding will be part of the USD-60-million (EUR 57m) to USD 120 million it plans to invest in Research, Development & Innovation (RD&I) this year.

The company estimates that the pilot plant will be ready in 2025 and has the potential to reach 100 MW. A portion of its output will be stored and subsequently shipped to consumers, while the rest will be used for a renewable ammonia generation plant.

Located in Rio de Janeiro state, Porto do Acu is a fully private port. In operation since 2014, the site was developed and is controlled by Prumo Logistica.

(USD 1.0 = EUR 0.950)

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Lucas is based in Brazil. He joined Renewables Now to expand coverage of the Ibero-American market, a highly attractive destination for green energy investment.

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