
Boasting a batting average of .482 and an on-base percentage of .680, Mahan’s numbers were incredible in their own right. But they were made even more so by the fact that the Honey Grove Warrior posted them while just a freshman.

One glance at Honey Grove Warrior Brody Mahan’s 2022 baseball season is all it takes to recognize that he was unquestionably one of the most singularly dominant players in the entire Red River Valley this past year. And while that level of dominance is not completely unheard of for veteran leaders who have years of varsity experience under their belt, Mahan’s incredible season is made all the more incredible by the fact that he did it all while just a freshman.

In his first year of high school baseball, Mahan hit .482 with an on-base percentage of .680, both of which were tops in the entire Red River Valley regardless of grade. the best batting average in the entire Red River Valley. He finished the season with 28 hits and 22 RBIs, and even bashed a no-doubter of a home run over the course of district play too.

Tommy Culkin is managing editor for The Paris News. He can be reached at 903-785-6960 or at

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