With a 40-year jump to the future, the Star Wars sequels had the challenge of making the galaxy feel new but familiar. From this came the idea of the New Republic, a fresh attempt at a democracy ruling over the galaxy. However, this new government didn't last long, as Starkiller Base completely wiped it out in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. But that makes one wonder if the New Republic returned after Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.

When Palpatine first fell, the galaxy was left leaderless for a brief time. Luckily, the Rebellion was ready to form the New Republic as soon as possible, and a sense of peace finally returned. There was still the chaos of planets adapting to the sudden change, but for the most part, the New Republic stepped into power with ease. Yet, this peace wouldn't last for long, as the First Order obliterated the entire Hosnian System, the capital of the New Republic.

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While this event didn't completely wipe out every member of the New Republic, it was a huge blow that spread chaos across the galaxy. The leaders and representatives of thousands of systems were gone in a moment, and most planets were left wondering if they would be next. The leaders lucky enough to be off-world during the event went back to protect their worlds, breaking the galaxy's unity and creating an "every man for himself" situation.

However, despite the impact of this event, the destruction of the New Republic is rarely mentioned in the movies. Of course, it only makes things more desperate for the Resistance and gives the First Order free reign over the galaxy. But still, for how massive of an event it is, the reaction to the New Republic's destruction is somewhat missing. Sure, Admiral Holdo mentions it during Star Wars: The Last Jedi, but restoring the New Republic is never spoken about after that.

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General Leia Organa and Admiral Amilyn Holdo stand next to each other in Star Wars The Last Jedi

The effect of the New Republic's destruction has also rarely been seen in other Star Wars media. The moment had an impact on the Star Wars Resistance animated show, but for the surrounding comics and novels, little is known about how the galaxy coped. And as it stands, The Rise of Skywalker is the latest entry in the Star Wars timeline, meaning it's still unknown what happens after the events.

However, some hints are given as to what the Resistance plans next. In The Rise of Skywalker novelization, Lando speaks out after the Battle of Exegol, saying that the future is now open to vast possibilities. He mentions that the New Republic could return in some form, but he doesn't elaborate on how it'll happen. From this, most fans assume the peace returned, and another New Republic took shape.

With how the galaxy's leaders failed to prevent the First Order, it's likely people would want things to be run differently. While the New Republic wasn't as corrupt as the original, most members were so fed-up with the war that they chose to ignore the growing threat. So, if this power is to come again, it'll hopefully be done in a way that keeps the galaxy safe for the long haul.