CHRISTIAN: Oil & Gas Industry Generates Billions for Texas' 'Rainy Day" & State Highway Funds

“Since 2007, the Texas oil and gas industry has paid nearly $179 billion, or an average of almost $12 billion per year, to royalty owners, the state of Texas, and local governments."

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas – “The transfer $7.3 billion of oil and gas industry tax revenue is further concrete proof that the oil and gas industry is invaluable to the State of Texas,” said Texas Railroad Commission Chairman Wayne Christian yesterday, after Comptroller Glenn Hegar announced the transfer of $3.64 billion to the Economic Stabilization Fund (the "Rainy Day Fund",) and $3.64 billion the State Highway Fund (SHF).

"Revenue from the oil and gas industry is what’s in the Rainy Day Fund, and it accounts for billions that go to the State Highway Fund. It also contributes to state funds that pay for schools, universities, and first responders,” said Christian.

Following approval of a Constitutional Amendment by Texas voters in 2014, 75% of oil and natural gas production tax revenue that exceeds the amount collected in 1987 is divided evenly and transferred to the Rainy Day Fund and the SHF.

“Since 2007, the Texas oil and gas industry has paid nearly $179 billion – or an average of almost $12 billion per year – to royalty owners, the State of Texas, and to local governments. This is all put at risk by never-ending attacks by President Biden to kill the oil and gas industry.

"To appease radical environmentalists and foreign governments with repeated attempts by Democrats to hurt the Texas Energy Miracle is woke energy policy at its worst,” Christian continued.

Wayne Christian was elected as our 50th Texas Railroad Commissioner in November 2016. Prior to his time at the Commission, Christian served seven sessions in the Texas House of Representatives, accumulating a strong record of standing for free markets and against burdensome regulations. Christian is married to his wife, Lisa, and together they have three daughters, Liza, Lindsey and Lauren. You can learn more about Chairman Christian here .


