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Breastfeeding is an important phase for the development of the newborn, as mother’s milk is an energetically complete meal, as well as allowing the child to have immune support and protection, strengthen the mother-child bond and protect the woman from breast cancer , ovaries and osteoporosis in old age.

In this phase the administration of low-calorie diets and/or periods of fasting is not recommended, since breastfeeding requires a large caloric expenditure, in fact in this period many kilos gained during pregnancy are eliminated.

In the first days after giving birth, it can be useful to follow a specific diet to favor the appearance of milky whipped milk and, above all, to know which foods to avoid as they could alter the taste of the milk, making it unpleasant for the baby, increasing the likelihood of colic intestinal.

Foods to avoid are:

Hydrogenated Fats: fried foods, snacks, sweets and industrial biscuits.

Coffee: the caffeine it contains could have an exciting effect on the child, so prefer barley coffee.

Preserved Meats and Sausages: these foods contain nitrites, used as potentially harmful preservatives.

Spirits and Energizing Drinks

It is good to remember to eliminate foods that can change the flavor of the milk, such as onions, garlic, asparagus, artichokes, strong-flavored spices such as curry and paprika, chili peppers, peppers, smoked fish. Also reduce potentially allergenic foods, such as eggs, dried fruit, chocolate, strawberries.

Another extremely important advice is hydration: in this period it is necessary to drink a lot of water in order to allow the production of milk, taking care to choose a water with a low fixed residue and with a higher concentration of magnesium.

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