Confronting the surge of crime in Turks and Caicos Islands: A call for progressive action

Confronting the surge of crime in Turks and Caicos Islands: A call for progressive action
Ed Forbes
e connected to them in some way. This will promote reassurance of anonymity and foster a more cooperative stance against crime.

Perhaps, local banks can also step up their game and make access to credit card machines more convenient and feasible for small businesses, thereby reducing the risk for only cash driven transactions at bars and restaurants.

In acknowledging the dedicated efforts of our law enforcement agencies, we must also recognize the imperativeness for constructive criticism and advocacy for systemic improvements.

The stakes are high, and the ramifications of inaction or inadequate responses could have far-reaching consequences for our nation's social and economic fabric.

In conclusion, the battle against crime in the Turks and Caicos Islands is not solely the purview of law enforcement; it is a collective endeavor that requires the active participation of every sector of society.

Through vigilant community engagement, strategic policy reforms, and enhanced law enforcement capabilities and the much needed assistance from our UK partner, we can aspire to reclaim the tranquility that once defined our islands, ensuring a safer future for all residents.

* Ed Forbes is a native Turks and Caicos Islander, who spent 30 plus years studying and working in the USA. He holds an Associate degree in Criminal Justice and an Honorary degree in Criminology along with various legal and professional certifications in crime prevention and journalism. Ed resides in Grand Turk and is the co-founder and operator of Exclusive Escapes Tours.