The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

‘Ennio’ puts one of cinema’s most revered composers in the spotlight

‘Cinema Paradiso’ director Giuseppe Tornatore takes his time telling the life story of the prolific Italian orchestrator Ennio Morricone

Ennio Morricone in “Ennio.” (Music Box Films)
4 min
(3 stars)

“You must always make a nice melody,” Libera Ridolfi told her young son, Ennio. “That’s how you will become famous.”

Sticking to that script led Ennio Morricone to become one of the most popular composers in film history; diverging from it made him one of the most influential. The two-time Oscar winner, who died in Rome in 2020 at the age of 91, was a composer and arranger of music that helped define what it sounds like to go to the movies.