
Consultant Kayla Klein presents her findings of the Yankton childcare study during Wednesday night’s community meeting at the Elks Lodge. A May 8 follow-up meeting at the Elks will focus on solutions.

When reviewing recent surveys related to Yankton’s needs, consultant Kayla Klein learned the heartbreaking stories of families who couldn’t find or afford childcare.

“There were some really painful comments,” Klein said when providing her report Wednesday night during a community meeting at the Elks Lodge.

(1) comment

Larry Skow

Isn't it amazing? Someone who has known since 2010 there is childcare affordability issue. Now gets "paid" to "study" the issue and miracle of miracles, it's official and in the books there is child care affordability haunting the modern family!!!! But she brings ZERO solutions to table!! My bet is she will land another lucrative contract to "study" that. 10 years from now there will be nothing done to alleviate it and another "study" will be done as data is out dated by then she will retire wealthy from her "studies" and write couple books yada yada yada.

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