best slasher movies

If you thrive on the adrenaline rush of blood-soaked mayhem and revel in the artistry of cinematic carnage, then these slasher movies deserve a spot on your watchlist. Whether you’re a seasoned horror veteran or a brave soul looking to test your limits, these movies are essential viewing for anyone who can stomach the blood and gore. While movie franchises like Saw, The Halloween, Friday the 13th, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, etc, will forever remain iconic slasher movies, there are underrated gems that deserve attention too. However, viewer discretion is advised for these movies which are not for the faint-hearted. Buckle up and prepare for a journey through the most visceral and intense slasher movies – if you dare.

7 underrated and heart-pounding slasher movies for those who can digest the blood and gore; available on YouTube, Netflix, Prime Video and more

1. Midnight Meat Train – Amazon Prime Video

best slasher movies

This chilling movie is based on a short story by Clive Barker, is an under-appreciated gem which delivers a visceral and unnerving experience that will haunt you even after the end credits. As aspiring photographer Leon (Bradley Cooper) embarks on a journey to capture the soul of the city. During one of his outings, he helps a woman from being attacked in the subway. When she disappears, Leon becomes obsessed with finding her but unwittingly gets tangled in a nightmarish game orchestrated by Mahogany (Vinnie Jones), a butcher who kills passengers travelling on a subway train in the night. With its atmospheric visuals (bodies being hung like meat on hooks in a butcher factory is not an easy scene to watch), relentless tension, and brutal violence, the movie will shock, disturb, and captivate. 

2. Terrifier 2 – YouTube

best slasher movies

The Terrifier movies have achieved a cult status in the horror genre with each movie taking the macabre to the next level. This sequel unleashes a new wave of gruesome horrors pushing the boundaries of terror even further. Art the Clown, the sadistic and silent killer whose twisted antics have already left a trail of carnage in his wake, returns and embarks on a game of blood-soaked thrills and spine-tingling chills. As Art resumes his reign of terror on Halloween night, a new set of characters is forced to survive the slaughter. Don’t expect a plot, this is just a series of bloody killings. 

3. Wrong Turn (film series) – Amazon Prime Video

best slasher movies

Spanning multiple instalments, this franchise takes audiences on a harrowing journey through the backwoods of West Virginia, where travellers encounter a clan of deformed and deranged cannibalistic men. Each movie follows a new set of characters being subject to the tortious acts of these men. From the original film, which introduced audiences to the nightmarish world of the mountain men, to the sequels that delve deeper into their twisted mythos, the franchise delivers visceral gore and a sense of dread that lingers while you watch the movie.

4. Thanksgiving – Amazon Prime Video

best slasher movies

Set in the fictional town of Plymouth, Massachusetts, the movie follows a group of teenagers who find themselves stalked by a masked killer with a penchant for creative and holiday-themed murders. However, the killer seems to be on a revenge spree, picking victims one by one as he goes on a bloodbath. From the iconic scenes of Thanksgiving dinner turned deadly to the unforgettable twist ending, the movie delivers all the gore and holiday spirit that fans of the genre crave. It pays homage to 1980s slasher movies and is based on a fictitious trailer created by director Eli Roth and is a third adaptation of the Grindhouse trailer. 

5. The Devil’s Rejects – Google Play Movies

best slasher movies

Serving as a sequel to House of 1000 Corpses, this movie continues the story of the sadistic Firefly family. After a police raid on their home leaves several family members dead and others on the run, the surviving members, including the psychotic Otis, the seductive Baby, and the patriarch Captain Spaulding, embark on a violent road trip to escape capture. As they leave a trail of carnage, they become the targets of vengeful law enforcement led by Sheriff John Wydell. Despite their heinous acts, the Firefly family is portrayed with a degree of complexity, blurring the lines between protagonist and antagonist.

6. Pearl (2022) – Netflix

best slasher movies

The movie revolves around Pearl (Mia Goth), a seemingly docile young girl, living with an ailing father and a controlling mother on a secluded farm. She grows increasingly frustrated with her life on the farm and craves a more glamorous life after watching a movie in a cinema hall. That bottled-up anger triggers her descent into madness, slowly showing psychopathic tendencies. She violently kills animals on her farm, physically abuses her wheelchair-bound father, and turns into a killer. The atmospheric tension, the idyllic setting, Goth’s noteworthy performance, and a shocking end keep you hooked. 

7. Tokyo Gore Police – YouTube

best slasher movies

Set in a dystopian futuristic Tokyo where privatised police forces battle mutant criminals known as ‘engineers’. The movie follows Ruka, a young officer with a tragic past, as she hunts down these grotesque creatures. However, as she investigates the underworld of genetic experimentation and corruption, she uncovers dark secrets that challenge her sense of justice. The movie is known for its extreme violence, over-the-top gore, and bizarre visuals. It features imaginative and surreal scenes of body modification, grotesque mutations, and high-octane action sequences. The movie combines elements of science fiction, horror, and dark comedy, creating a unique and visceral cinematic experience.

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