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Another Toronto sex assault case is tossed as spotlight turns on Trudeau government’s failure to solve vacancy crisis

After yet another serious criminal case collapsed over the chronic judge shortage in Toronto court, observers in every corner of the legal system tell the Star they’re baffled by a question with no good answer: What’s the holdup?

8 min read

The Superior Court of Justice in downtown Toronto, where at least seven criminal cases have collapsed in recent months over chronically unfilled judge positions.

On a Tuesday afternoon this month, an alarmingly familiar scene played out in a downtown Toronto courtroom.

Sitting at a table with his lawyers, a man accused of assaulting and sexually assaulting his former common-law partner over several years listened as the judge quickly read through some brief reasons to get to her bottom-line decision: she was tossing his case.

Jacques Gallant

Jacques Gallant is a Toronto-based reporter covering courts, justice and legal affairs for the Star. Follow him on Twitter: @JacquesGallant


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