
What’s in City Press: Zuma’s party ‘forged’ signatures | VBS conspirators get off scot-free | We are just friends - Ex-Chiefs star breaks his silence

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What's in City Press
What's in City Press

Zuma’s party ‘forged’ signatures

Former President Jacob Zuma’s MKP has been accused of extensively forging signatures to qualify for the upcoming national elections.

This claim comes from a former senior official of the party in an affidavit submitted to the Western Cape police last week.

Spooks target SABC news head

Barely a week after ANC president Cyril Ramaphosa’s leaked audio about the party’s plans to challenge media houses who report negatively about his party, the State Security Agency (SSA) has made its first move, targeting the SABC’s head of news.

VBS conspirators get off scot-free

Despite losing millions of rands to maladministration, corruption and fraud, the Madibeng Local Municipality in the North West has failed to take action against the implicated individuals.

One of the country’s most expensive gravel bridges

A struggling municipality in Limpopo spent at least R5 million on building a gravel culvert bridge to link Majeje and Humulani villages, allegedly without conducting a high-risk assessment.

ANC support shows marginal growth

The ANC’s election machine, after some stuttering and stalling, has finally got going and it appears the party is gradually regaining lost support, according to a reputable opinion poll among prospective voters.

Faith-driven independent candidate calls for ‘godly government’

Faith Ntakadzeni Phathela, a devout believer, is driven by a mission she believes stems from God’s will.

Born on Halloween (31 October), Phathela sees her birth date as symbolic of a divine purpose: to cleanse South Africa of the corruption that plagues its government.

We are just friends - Ex-Chiefs star breaks his silence

Former Kaizer Chiefs player Dumisani Zuma and social media darling Phumlani Mgxobani have laughed off the rumours that they are the newest item in celebville. The two said many people had been spreading rumours, with some asking if they were dating, but they are friends of more than two years, they claimed.

The PA will ‘fight fire with fire’

As youngsters, Patriotic Alliance (PA) president Gayton McKenzie and his deputy Kenny Kunene served time in jail for crimes, include a bank robbery. But their approach to fighting crime seems tougher than that of other political parties in this year’s polls.

13 officials at Masters offices suspended

In a massive crackdown on corruption and incompetence, the department of justice suspended 13 senior officials, including masters of the high courts in Johannesburg, Pretoria and Bloemfontein, last week.

Thobejane’s attempted murder suspect has been arrested, but she is still afraid

Despite the arrest of a suspect who fired at her and her friends last October, actor, club host and businessperson Tebogo Thobejane (39) still fears for her life.

She believes she is still in danger, as she does not know the motive for the attempted murder. She said that, as long as she did not know who had ordered the hit, she would remain in her house.

Thirty years of waiting for an RDP house

Sonnyboy Tsagane celebrated his 72nd birthday this week with faded hope of ever getting a house of his own – he has been waiting since 1994. Born and bred in Daveyton in Ekurhulen in Gauteng, Tsagane grew up in a shared family house in the township. Nowadays, he lives by himself in a shack and is afraid of dying alone there, with no family around.

Igcokama Elisha blacklists Durban: I will never perform there ever again

Following what he calls a string of disrespect and sabotage, award-winning maskandi singer Mthandeni “Igcokama Elisha” Manqele has vowed never to perform in Durban events again.

Amawethu: A new light on the meaning of Bantu

After successful runs at the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown, the State Theatre in Pretoria, the Playhouse in Durban and an outstanding reception in Brazil, renowned choreographer Ayanda Sidiya’s dance production Amawethu is finally coming to the Joburg Theatre.

Why you should get the flu shot

It takes up to two weeks to develop immunity after a flu vaccination, therefore, South Africans who have not yet received it should hurry up. The flu season has kicked off with the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) reporting at least 108 flu cases, 94 confirmed cases of Covid-19 and 391 cases of the respiratory syncytial virus last week.

Mondli Makhanya says: ‘DA just doesn’t get it’

If the esteemed men and women who run the Nobel Prize were to come up with a new category for tone-deafness, the DA would surely be the inaugural recipients. South Africa’s official opposition just has this tendency of putting its foot in it and then becoming irritatingly defensive when its missteps are called out.

30 years of cars in Mzansi

As democracy dawned in South Africa, so did a new era for motorists across the land. Car brands that had left the country because of sanctions or on principal, were eager to return and they did.

R6bn in mismanaged pensions

He contributed faithfully to his pension fund for nearly four decades, but when he retired, the money was gone. Claude Samuels, who worked for the Msunduzi Local Municipality in Pietermaritzburg in KwaZulu-Natal for 38 years, is one of thousands of South Africans who were put at risk by how their employers dealt with their pension fund contributions.

Safeguarding SA’s young democracy

Throughout South Africa’s democracy, civil society organisations have been at the forefront of advocating for a just and more equitable society that lives up to the ideals enshrined in the Constitution.

No dawn for Madala Hostel residents

Thirty years into democracy, residents of Madala Hostel in Alexandra, Johannesburg, must still wake up early to get water to bath and do laundry. And they are still without proper sanitation.

the highest number in more than two decades.

Lady Zamar on surviving cancel culture

In 2019, just three years after bursting on to the local music scene with her catchy tunes, award-winning artist Lady Zamar’s fans watched in horror as her exuberant brand and flourishing career came tumbling down.

The past and the present not yet uhuru

The saddest indictment of our 30 years of democracy is that most black people are still trapped in a cycle of poverty and unemployment.

When we reflect on the 30 years of freedom, it is not enough to ponder on abstract democratic reforms; we must take a microscopic look at individuals and how their lives have been affected.

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With the term of the sixth Cabinet administration having come to an end and the country taking to the polls this week, what will you remember most about this administration?
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55% - 197 votes
Skyrocketing unemployment
29% - 103 votes
Signing of NHI Bill into law
16% - 57 votes