Unknown Gets a Big Break in Next Movies at Home Discussion Selection

Thu 5/2 @ 7PM

The 1953 Stanley Donen-directed musical romance film Give the Girl a Break includes a lot of the cliches that make such films so appealing and charming, particularly that of the unknown who has her shot at a Broadway role and becomes a star. In this film that role was played by young Debbie Reynolds, who became known for her wholesome, girl-next-door aura — and for Elizabeth Taylor stealing her husband. (Most people took her side back in the day before there was a Team Debbie and Team Liz.) It also includes a turn by legendary dance team Msrge and Gower Champion and an appearance by dancer/choreographer/director Bob Fosse before he was BOB FOSSE.

The story basically concerns a producer seeking someone to fill a lead role when his start bails on him, and revolves around three women vying for it — two of whom choose their man over the theater, leaving third-place Debbie with the plum part.

Give the Girl a Break is the next film in The Musical Theater Project’s Movies at Home series. Come laugh at the cliches while admitting you’re beguiled by them as TMTP’s artistic director Bill Rudman leads a discussion on Zoom. Start by watching Bill’s introduction telling you what to look for. Then watch the movie for free here.

Finally join Bill and other movie buffs on Zoom to talk about it. It’s free and open to all.

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