ALBANY, N.Y. (NEWS10) — Traffic safety advocates are asking New York State lawmakers to pass a bill meant to prevent drivers from speeding. The proposal would require drivers who have been ticketed for reckless driving repeatedly to have speed assistance technology installed in their vehicles.

The system uses mapping technology to determine the speed limit and prevents the vehicle from traveling faster. Supporters said the technology is not meant to punish drivers but to help them improve their driving habits.

“We can understand one time you might accelerate to get on a highway. What we want to know is over six months, are you performing better?” Lifesafer Pres. Michael Travars said. “Are you obeying the laws? Are you speeding? Are you braking aggressively? Are you accelerating aggressively? Because those are the things that will turn an unsafe driver, over time, into a safe driver.”

The speed limiter technology proposal is part of a package of four bills meant to make roads safer. Other measures include providing incentives for construction projects that make roads easier to use for bikers and pedestrians.