Sean Hannity Accuses Biden of ‘Literally’ Surrendering ‘in the War on Terrorism’; Warns ‘We’re Next’ After Israel


Sean Hannity kicked off his Tuesday morning by accusing President Joe Biden of “literally” surrendering to terrorism and warning the United States is “next” if Hamas somehow proves successful in defeating Israel.

Hannity joined Fox & Friends on Tuesday morning and ripped into the United Nations and the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), but quickly turned his attention to the president.

The Fox News host pushed for the United States to abandon “globalist organizations” like the United Nations. At issue for Hannity was a statement released by the global body offering condolences over the passing of Ebrahim Raisi, the late president of Iran, best known for his abuse of human rights. He was famously known as the “Butcher of Tehran.”

The United Nations Security Council held a moment of silence for the late leader after he died in a helicopter crash over the weekend. A statement also said the council was “saddened” by the death.

“I don’t give a flying Adam Schiff that that guy is dead,” Hannity declared.

He also ripped the chief prosecutor for the ICC, who announced to CNN this week that he is seeking arrest warrants to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli officials over war crimes. Hamas leaders would also receive arrest warrants if they were approved.

Hannity ripped into Biden, despite the president condemning the ICC prosecutor’s announcement, blasting making an equivalence between Israel and Hamas.

“Where is our moral clarity? The saddest thing in all of this to me is that your President Joe has literally surrendered in the war on terrorism and the world needs to understand that,” Hannity said. “That is a message that has emboldened every terrorist state, every terrorist organization, it has emboldened our enemies.”

The Fox News host only cited Biden’s threat to withhold munitions from Israel recently if there is a full-scale invasion of Rafah as proof he’s “surrendered.” Biden has faced backlash within his own party, including massive primary protest votes, for his support of Israel as many activists have called for a ceasefire as Israel’s strikes on Gaza have leveled much of the land and led to thousands of civilian deaths.

Netanyahu has said the assault will not end until the terror group Hamas is eliminated. Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, killing more than 1,000 and kidnapping hundreds more.

“This is a sad day. America’s role as the leader of liberty and freedom on the world stage has been abdicated by Joe Biden, who has surrendered — hear me — surrendered in the war against radical Islamic terrorism, and guess what that’s going to result in? More terrorism around the world,” Hannity said.

The Fox News host pointed to the southern border amid record crossings as where Americans should be most concerned, painting a picture of another potential terrorist attack.

“It’s a pretty scary time because let me tell you, we’re going to be next. They take out Israel — God forbid they were ever successful — do you think they’re done?” he said. “No, it’s death to Israel, death to America.”

Watch above via Fox News.

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Zachary Leeman covered pop culture and politics at outlets such as Breitbart, LifeZette, BizPac Review, HollywoodinToto, and others. He is the author of the novel Nigh. He joined Mediaite in 2022.