A year back, we told you about the motorcycle film festival put on by the people at VAHNA (the magazine that used to be Meta). Guess what? That festival is now over, the winners are picked… and you can watch the 10 finalist movies online, for free!

In its original plans, the film festival was intended for works 5-15 minutes in length—short films, not features (there were some other rules about copyrights ad title cards, but none of that matters now). Submissions were due in September, and then the show went on the road to six different cities over the winter—Atlanta, Denver, Scottsdale, Costa Mesa, Austin, and Portland. Judges voted on the three winners: Chance, Korta and Cut Short, Rides On.

Chance, directed by Chris Lomartire, was the overall winner. Here’s the festival’s description of the film:

“Chance,” is a mini-documentary about Chance Cleary, an Afghanistan war veteran who served in the early 2010’s. During his deployment, he was critically injured during an ambush where a bomb went off under his vehicle. Among an array of other injuries, doctors advised him to have his leg amputated.

To this day, Chance races motocross around the country with a prosthetic leg. Through racing dirtbikes, he has found a way to clear his mind from the trauma he endured and helps him live life in the moment.

Cut Short, Rides On, directed by Connor Buss, was second. Nick Dean directed third-overall Korta.

You can see these three films, and the rest of the top-10 finalists, here at VAHNA’s website, and watch them at no cost!




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